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feedback from our wonderful customers

“I know Dr. Patwardhan for many years and his predictions are very accurate. Before taking any big decision we call him first. I remember once, we want to invest some amount in one company, he clearly warned me that you will not get your money back and after some time the owner of that company may get arrested. Many people indeed lost money in that investment opportunity, but Dr Sagar saved us. Like this we have many experiences about his predictions. His knowledge of astrology is very deep. We always advise people before taking any decision call him once show your Kudali and then go ahead.”

Kedar C

Dear Dr Sagar:

 I found your readings (palm and natal chart) very informative and insightful. The only question that you answered which I can confirm was about my marriage being a compromise. The other two questions were either in the future (finances) or about my interest to connection the Creator, which you confirmed as a strong interest, but cannot confirm success, which is of course up to my efforts. You hit spot-on three multi-year segments of my life where my situation was negative; I am very impressed by your accuracy there. Also you saw the Bow I have (both hands), and correctly determined I apply it in predictions, as I have been a Tarot reader since 1974. My only concern with your reading was your prediction of poor health after 55. Ironically, my health has greatly improved by diet, exercise, medication and even surgery since that time. I am now much healthier than I was in my late 40s, early 50s. I had a minor stroke at 47 and began a program to lower my blood pressure, which was achieved at age 49 and actively continued forward to this day. I get regular checkups and cannot point to any issue. On the whole I am very pleased with your reading and the fact that you video-recorded it for me.


Thank you for your thorough reading. I would definitely recommend your services to everyone. I am a happy customer.


“I lost my job in 2014 and had no idea about what I should do. One of my friends gave me the reference of Mr. Sagar Patwardhan. I called him and fixed my appointment and drove all the way from Mumbai to Phaltan.

I met him as per the schedule and in next couple of hours realized that “It was a Great Decision” to travel so far and meet Mr. Patwardhan.

Mr. Sagar has Excellent Knowledge on Palmistry and explained to me the reasons for the trouble in my life. He gave me the correct time frames where most of the important things happened in my life. He also gave me correct time frames when my problems would end. The Best part about Mr. Sagar is, he is very Practical and gives you the exact reality of the situation. I was delighted to meet him personally. Going ahead, I always seek his advice before taking any important decision in life and remain assured that I am going to get proper solution from him. I wish him All The Best for his future endeavors and admire his willingness to share his knowledge with people for their own benefit.”

Sunil A

About 10 years back, I was recommended by a friend to consult Dr.Patwardhan. He introduced Dr.Patwardhan as a marvelous palmist and astrologer. At that time, when I consulted him, he took an impression of my right palm and then explained to me the basics of my life line, fate line, health etc. I had also asked him pertinent questions about my career prospects, health, marriage, children after marriage and life in general. He had given me answers to all my questions then.

Now, when I think back and try to align my life pattern in line with what he had told me then, I find that many of his predictions are right , but many were wrong too. His prediction that I would have 2 children went wrong. He had mentioned that I would get married to a lawyer / doctor / someone living along the coastal line of India. That also wasn’t true. About my career prospects, however, he did predict a large portion that is proving to be true. However, what I appreciate is his humility and his openness to accepting the fact that nothing in this world can be 100% true.

I continue consulting him on various issues but now he focuses more on astrology – that’s what I came to understand.”


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